Our listener asks, “Would simply like to know about predestination, I’ve heard a lot about that, and it’s taken away my hope. I know Jesus is Lord but I even struggle if I even believe in Him or not, not that He is Lord I know He is, but that I even believed correctly to be saved. There is nothing more hopeful to me then knowing I could see Jesus face to face and Id cry on my knees just thinking that because I’m horribly disobedient, but it’s hard to even try to be obedient when life seems so pointless. I’ve heard so many doctrines. It all confuses me, the only time I ever had peace was when I was heavily reading my Bible, not because of works but because something about His word does something I can’t explain in my life. Jesus isn’t here personally but His word is like a food that provides me with hope and strength even if I don’t understand everything I read perfectly. I had a pastor tell me because of my continuous sin that God is handing me over to what I want “sin”. It killed me completely, now I think I’m just controlled by evil with no hope. I just don’t know what to do. Because I don’t want to die in sin but how am I supposed to say no if I’m not chosen or picked. I know I’m a sinner but I’m hopeless.”