Pastor Jesse Martinez - Podcasts
- Pastor Reacts to Isaiah Saldivar 05 | Matthew 25 “These people said Lord…” - Isaiah Saldivar rejects the gospel of faith alone in Christ alone, and he rejects once saved always saved. This series will show how he misinterprets the scriptures to fit his way of thinking. The video used is titled “God told me some “Christians” will go to HELL.” !!! We do not desire to degrade the […]
- Pastor Reacts to Isaiah Saldivar 04 | “You Christians will not inherit the kingdom of God…” - Isaiah Saldivar rejects the gospel of faith alone in Christ alone, and he rejects once saved always saved. This series will show how he misinterprets the scriptures to fit his way of thinking. The video used is titled “God told me some “Christians” will go to HELL.” !!! We do not desire to degrade the […]
- Pastor Reacts to Isaiah Saldivar 03 | “If you keep on sinning, then no sacrifice remains…” - Isaiah Saldivar rejects the gospel of faith alone in Christ alone, and he rejects once saved always saved. This series will show how he misinterprets the scriptures to fit his way of thinking. The video used is titled “God told me some “Christians” will go to HELL.” !!! We do not desire to degrade the […]
- Pastor Reacts to Isaiah Saldivar 02 | “They think they know God, but they don’t really know Him…” - Isaiah Saldivar rejects the gospel of faith alone in Christ alone, and he rejects once saved always saved. This series will show how he misinterprets the scriptures to fit his way of thinking. The video used is titled “God told me some “Christians” will go to HELL.” !!! We do not desire to degrade the […]
- Pastor Reacts to Isaiah Saldivar 01 | “God told me some ‘Christians’ go to hell” - Isaiah Saldivar rejects the gospel of faith alone in Christ alone, and he rejects once saved always saved. This series will show how he misinterprets the scriptures to fit his way of thinking. The video used is titled “God told me some “Christians” will go to HELL.” !!! We do not desire to degrade the […]
- Is BELIEVING in Jesus’ Death, Burial and Resurrection ENOUGH to be saved? - Our listener asks, “So my question would be: Is the moment a person believes the gospel, are they saved? – Like, believes the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. I know details of who Jesus is are important, but they’re a matter of your salvation. Like when people say ‘saving faith’ meaning to put all […]
- 2 Corinthians 7:1 Explained | “Cleanse ourselves from all filthiness…” - Our Listener asks, “Thank you so much for your wise support and propagation of the gospel. I would like to understand 2 Corinthians 7:1 better. I understand that salvation happened in our spirit and not body or mind. However, 2 Corinthians 7:1 seems to infer that our spirit could become polluted and subsequently leading to […]
- “It is like there is another voice in my head telling me that I don’t really believe…” Am I saved? - Our listener asks, “I am writing today because I just cannot find peace in my heart. I truly believe Jesus is the only way to heaven, and that His blood He shed dying on the cross is the only payment accepted for my sins. I just cannot figure out why my heart and mind won’t […]
- “Calvinism and Sexual Sin are causing me to struggle with Assurance of Salvation!” | Advice - Our Listener asks, “Hi Jesse, I’m so thankful for God that brought BibleLine and your messages into my life. I have a familiar dilemma. I struggle with the assurance of salvation. I have been a believer for over 50 years. When I was young and first believed, I was doing fine. And then later in […]
- Pastor Reacts to John MacArthur 03 | “Jesus died for all who died…” - John MacArthur believes wholeheartedly in the doctrines of TULIP, and this video in particular address the issue of limited atonement. !!! These videos are not intended to degrade the man, but we fully believe the doctrines he teaches are not in accordance with the scripture !!! Original video:
- Pastor Reacts to John MacArthur 02 | “You don’t have enough tests…” - John MacArthur claims that tests are a good show as proof that you are saved. Is this true? !!! This is not to degrade the man, but his message is false !!! Original video:
- Pastor Reacts to David Platt | “Is Jesus Lord of your life?” - David Platt has a 3 step process to salvation by making Jesus the Lord of one’s life. *This video is not to degrade the man, but we refute the false message that he preaches!* Original Video:
- Pastor Reacts to Bible Flock Box | “5 Steps to Salvation” - Greg Sereda of Bible Flock box teaches 5 steps for a persons to be saved. 1. Admit you are a sinner 2. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ 3. Repent of your sins 4. Confess your sins 5. Make Jesus Lord of your life Jesse praises the truth and exposes the error in this muddy […]
- Pastor Reacts to Greg Laurie 02 | “5 tests to see if you are really saved!” - Greg Laurie provides 5 tests to see if you are really saved. Pastor Jesse addresses each point in detail using the scripture. !!! We do not wish to degrade the man, but we only desire to point out the flaw in his teachings !!!
- Pastor Reacts to Greg Laurie 01 | “Can a Christian lose their salvation?” - Greg Laurie attempts to answer the question “Can a Christian lose their salvation?” Pastor Jesse looks at his doctrinal statement alongside the video for today’s Pastor React. !!! We do not wish to degrade the man, but we only desire to point out the flaw in his teachings !!! Harvest Statement of faith: VIDEO […]
- James 2:14 Explained | “Can faith save him?” - We are continuing our series on often misinterpreted verses. Many have hit us with this verse in the comment section. Let’s explain it! Is James 2:14 properly used by proponents of Calvinism and Arminianism to explain away OSAS, Free Grace and the idea of Easy-believism?
- Matthew 7:21-23 Explained | “Lord, Lord… LAWLESSNESS… I never knew you…” - We are continuing our series on often misinterpreted verses. Many have hit us with this verse in the comment section. Let’s explain it! Is Matthew 7:21-23 properly used by proponents of Calvinism and Arminianism to explain away OSAS, Free Grace and the idea of Easy-believism?
- 2 Corinthians 5:17 Explained | “he is a new creature: old things are passed away…” - We are continuing our series on often misinterpreted verses. Many have hit us with this verse in the comment section. Let’s explain it! Is 2 Corinthians 5:17 a verse that supports the Lordship Salvation and Calvinist viewpoint of progressive sanctification?
- 2 Corinthians 13:5 Explained | “Examine yourselves whether ye be in the faith…” - This is the start of a series of often misinterpreted verses. Many have hit us with this verse in the comment section. Let’s explain it! Is 2 Corinthians 13:5 a verse explaining how to know we are saved?
- Interview: Kaylee Schmidt (Salvation, Churches, Motherhood, Prayer) - Kaylee Schmidt is a member of Calvary Community Church of Tampa. She is a faithful wife and a mother of two children. Kaylee believed in Christ years back, but it wasn’t until her daughter received a shocking diagnosis that Kaylee decided to seek the Lord. She has dedicated her time to training her children in […]
- Interview: Michael and Nicole Brown (Salvation, Calvinism, Assurance, Fishers with Faith) - Michael and Nicole Brown from Fishers with Faith are on a mission to reach as many people as they can with the gospel. Michael is the author of “What Happened to the Gospel.” The book discusses simple Bible doctrines and tackles difficult passages. Nicole is the author of “Mommy, what is Heaven?” The book is […]
- Interview: Grant Hermanns (NFL, Catholicism, Salvation, Witnessing) - Grant Hermanns is a father, husband, and he plays as an offensive lineman in the NFL. He struggled with assurance of salvation until he found the truth of the gospel at Calvary Community Church. Grant now shares the good news with his friends, family and teammates!
- Interview: Armando Noriega (Catholicism, Heritage, Fear, Testimony) - Armando Noriega is a faithful member to Calvary Community Church of Tampa. After years of confusion and struggles from daily life, he finally found the truth of the gospel. Thanks to his wife, Grace, and to Dr. Hank Lindstrom for the impact made on his life.
- 1 John Explained 17 | “Water and Blood” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 16 | “Defining an Overcomer” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 15 | “Showing God’s Love” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 14 | “Love Defined” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 13 | “Christian, You’ve Overcome” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 12 | “Test Every Spirit?” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 11 | “His Commandments” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 10 | “Love One Another” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 09 | “The Believer is Born of God” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 08 | “The Three Tenses of Salvation” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 07 | “Preparing for His Return” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 06 | “Identifying Anti-Christs” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 05 | “Resisting the Enemy!” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 04 | “A New Commandment” | Verse by Verse -
- 1 John Explained 03 | “Knowing is Doing” | Verse by Verse - We know Jesus better if we keep His commandments! 1 John 2
- 1 John Explained 02 | “The Measure of Fellowship” | Verse by Verse - Sin in the life of a believer greatly hinders a close walk with the Lord, and we ought to be aware of the steps to avoid on the path to right fellowship.
- 1 John Explained 01 | “A Better Fellowship” | Verse by Verse - Is 1 John a book written for the sole purpose of showing people how to have eternal life, or does John write the book for a different reason? How can we have a good fellowship with Christ, and how is that different than salvation?
- Dear Laodicea | The Lukewarm Church | Dear Church 08 (Revelation Series) - Jesus took time and made important statements to the seven Asia Minor churches in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. What can we learn from these messages? Are these literal or symbolic churches? What can the modern day churches learn from Jesus’ words? All this and more is clearly explained in this verse by verse study […]
- Pastor Reacts to John Piper | “You don’t get into Heaven by faith alone!” - Is John Piper correct that faith and holy living allow a person to go to heaven? !!! This video is not to degrade the man, but we desire to point out the error in the teaching !!!
- Interview: Pastor Tom Cucuzza (Salvation, Catholicism, College, Pastoring) - Dr. Thomas M. Cucuzza is the founder and Senior Pastor of Northland Bible Baptist Church. On August 2, 1972, he realized for the first time in his life that he could not work his way to Heaven. He recognized his need for salvation, and trusted in Jesus Christ alone as his Savior.
- Pastor Reacts to Mike Novotny | “Can you lose your salvation? No… Yes…” - Is it Pastor Mike right in his take about losing salvation? !!! This video is not to degrade the man, but we desire to point out the error in the teaching !!!
- Dear Philadelphia | The Faithful Church | Dear Church 07 (Revelation Series) - Jesus took time and made important statements to the seven Asia Minor churches in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. What can we learn from these messages? Are these literal or symbolic churches? What can the modern day churches learn from Jesus’ words? All this and more is clearly explained in this verse by verse study […]
- What does Romans 8:26-27 mean? (Tongues explained!) - Our listener asks, “What does Romans 8:26-27 mean? Does it mean the Holy Spirit moves us into speaking tongues, without us trying to do it?”
- Interview: Louie Hernandez (Salvation, Witnessing, Bible College, Testimony) - Louie Hernandez is an Elder at Calvary Community Church of Tampa, and he also a faithful minister of the gospel. He teaches classes at Florida Bible College of Tampa, takes missions trips, and makes a point in taking group out each week to evangelize to the lost.
- Pastor Reacts to Joel Osteen | “If you prayed that simple prayer…” - Are the four points that Joel Osteen lists about salvation correct? !!! This video is not to degrade the man, but we desire to point out the error in the teaching !!!
- Dear Sardis | The Dead Church | Dear Church 06 (Revelation Series) - Jesus took time and made important statements to the seven Asia Minor churches in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. What can we learn from these messages? Are these literal or symbolic churches? What can the modern day churches learn from Jesus’ words? All this and more is clearly explained in this verse by verse study […]
- Pastor Reacts to John MacArthur | “How do I know that I am saved?” - Do we believe John MacArthur when he says “The way you know that you are saved is by your desire?”
- Interview: Shelbi Mullen (New Age, Jesus, Witnessing, Holy Spirit) - Shelbi Mullen trusted in Christ as her Savior around 12 years of age, but then she fell away into Atheism and eventually New Age. With the help of a friend and opponents of New Age, she found an escape route. Despite running into unclear teachers such as Ray Comfort, Isaiah Saldivar and John Ramirez, Shelbi […]
- Pastor Reacts to Paul Washer | “Your conversion is false…” - Is Paul Washer correct that we should be afraid that we may have a false conversion?
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #15 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- Dear Thyatira | The Corrupt Church | Dear Church 05 (Revelation Series) - Jesus took time and made important statements to the seven Asia Minor churches in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. What can we learn from these messages? Are these literal or symbolic churches? What can the modern day churches learn from Jesus’ words? All this and more is clearly explained in this verse by verse study […]
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #14 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #13 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #12 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #11 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- What dating advice does the Bible give to believers? - Our listener asks, “What dating advice does the Bible give to believers?”
- Interview: Jared Simpson (Salvation, Pentecostal, Calvinism, Testimony) - Jared Simpson is a faithful believer who placed his faith in Christ just a few years ago. After battling with life issues and false doctrine, he is happy that he found the truth! The gospel of the grace of God is now the motivating factor for his service, and he shares the gospel with as […]
- Pastor Reacts to Mike Winger | “When to be scared you are NOT a genuine Christian” - Is @MikeWinger correct that we should be a little scared that we aren’t genuine Christians? !!! This video is not to degrade the man, but we desire to point out the error in the teaching !!!
- Dear Pergamum | The Compromising Church | Dear Church 04 (Revelation Series) - Jesus took time and made important statements to the seven Asia Minor churches in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. What can we learn from these messages? Are these literal or symbolic churches? What can the modern day churches learn from Jesus’ words? All this and more is clearly explained in this verse by verse study […]
- What are the consequences of following a heresy? - Our listener asks, “I wanted to know what the consequences of following a heresy and a false prophet are. I mean, what will happen to believers who follow after a heresy, or a false prophet when they stand before God on Judgment Day?”
- Interview: Tommy Bianchini (Salvation, Witnessing, Tracts, Testimony) - @TommyB4Jesus is an example of a believer who is walking with the Lord even after suffering a life altering trial. After trusting in Christ as Savior, he continues to share the clear gospel message on YouTube and with tracts he creates.
- Are we Saved by Water Baptism? (1 Peter 3:21 Explained) - Our listener asks, “Scriptures say that we are saved by “Faith,” (Rom. 3:28), by “Grace” (Ephesians 2:8) and by “Baptism” ( 1 Peter 3:21) . . . how does all of that work together?”
- Dear Smyrna | The Persecuted Church | Dear Church 03 (Revelation Series) - Jesus took time and made important statements to the seven Asia Minor churches in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. What can we learn from these messages? Are these literal or symbolic churches? What can the modern day churches learn from Jesus’ words? All this and more is clearly explained in this verse by verse study […]
- Believed in Vain Explained (1 Corinthians 15:2) - Our listener asks, “How do you explain to a person that brings up 1 Corinthians 15:2? They use that verse to say you have to keep on believing or you have believed in vain and could lose your salvation.”
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #10 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- Interview: Coty Kuhns (Salvation, Calvinism, Lordship, Testimony) - Coty Kuhns has a testimony many can relate to. After honestly searching for the truth, he found it through Pastor Richard Fulton of In today’s interview, Pastor Jesse discusses with Coty his testimony of overcoming emotional distress and doctrinal errors in eventually finding the truth of the gospel.
- WARNING! You Do NOT have to CALL OUT LOUD to be SAVED Eternally! (Romans 10:9-13 in Context) PART 3 -
- Dear Ephesus | The Loveless Church | Dear Church 02 (Revelation Series) - Jesus took time and made important statements to the seven Asia Minor churches in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. What can we learn from these messages? Are these literal or symbolic churches? What can the modern day churches learn from Jesus’ words? All this and more is clearly explained in this verse by verse study […]
- Confession is NOT for Salvation! (Romans 10:9-13 in Context) | PART 2 - This three part series is tackling the oft misunderstood portion of scripture; Romans 10:9-13. What is the proper understanding of this passage in light of the scripture? Does confession play a role in salvation, and what does it mean to call on the name of the Lord?
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #09 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- From the Alpha and Omega | Dear Church 01 (Revelation Series) - Jesus took time and made important statements to the seven Asia Minor churches in Revelation Chapters 2 and 3. What can we learn from these messages? Are these literal or symbolic churches? What can the modern day churches learn from Jesus’ words? All this and more is clearly explained in this verse by verse study […]
- Confession Does Not Save! (Romans 10:9-13 in Context) | PART 1 - This three part series is tackling the oft misunderstood portion of scripture; Romans 10:9-13. What is the proper understanding of this passage in light of the scripture? Does confession play a role in salvation, and what does it mean to call on the name of the Lord?
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #08 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- Interview: Robert and Erika Rodriguez (Faith, Witnessing, Raising Children, AWANA) - Robert and Erika Rodriguez are members of Calvary Community Church of Tampa. Robert serves as a deacon alongside his faithful wife. They both run the kids program called AWANA every Sunday Evening. Please pray for this family as they faithfully reach the lost with the gospel and train the saved to grow in grace and […]
- What are the “SAVING FACTS” a person needs to know to be saved? - Our listener asks, “What does a person have to believe in order to be saved? That would be great to know because I watched a Grace Evangelical Society video and others and I know salvation is by faith alone, but I’m not sure what the ‘saving facts’ are. God bless.”
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #07 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- Be Steadfast and Unmovable | Growing Pains 31 - Believers have a clear command in 1 Corinthians to continue standing upon the foundation of Jesus Christ. Pastor Jesse wraps up 1 Corinthians with a call to stand upon what we have been given from the Bible.
- What do I need to do to earn rewards from God? (1 Corinthians 3:11-15) - Our listener asks, “Hello! First I want to say thank you! Because of your clear gospel message, I came to trust Christ as Savior. I know that I am eternally saved because of what Christ alone did for me! (Death burial and resurrection alone) Amen! Now unto my question. In 1st Corinthians 3:11-15, Paul speaks […]
- What will our Resurrected Bodies be like? | Growing Pains 30 - This sermon continues through 1 Corinthians 15 and talks about the interesting proofs in nature for the resurrection body. Pastor Jesse continues his series through 1 Corinthians titled Growing Pains.
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #06 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- Christ the First Fruits | Growing Pains 29 - The Corinthian church found themselves in error in regards to the teaching of the resurrection of the dead. 1 Corinthians details the order of resurrections and then gives an example of what life would be without it.
- Does confession help me to avoid God’s chastening and restore fellowship? - Our listener asks, “If I sin and then I realize with self judgment and confess my sins to the Lord right after I sinned … Do I avoid God’s chastening In that very moment and restore fellowship?”
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #05 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- Does the Bible teach that you can LOSE Salvation? (Is OSAS True?) - Our listener asked, “I’m starting to doubt OSAS because I come across some scriptures like Revelation 3:5 and II Corinthians 6:1 and I was wondering does the bible teach that you can lose your salvation. I am going to study it myself I just want to make sure I’m sharing the right thing but I […]
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #04 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- The Necessity of the Resurrection | Growing Pains 28 - The resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof of His claims to be God. Can a person deny that Jesus rose again and still be saved? Pastor Jesse cruises along through 1 Corinthians with a review of 1 Corinthians 15:1-21.
- Is it okay to pray to God for material and worldly success? - Our listener asks, “What does the Bible say about fleshly desire? Is every material desire and worldly success called fleshly desire? Can I pray to God for material desire and worldly success like a good job, promotions, and health?”
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #03 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- If I am always going to sin, how do I restore my fellowship with God? - Our listener asks, “One question I have that can hopefully be addressed in our next conversation is this: If sin breaks fellowship with God, how do we know once our fellowship is restored if we are always going to sin this side of eternity? I’ve become addicted to certain sinful habits and have prayed much […]
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #02 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- Interview: C4C Apologetics – Pastor Daniel Weierbach (Apologetics, Free Grace, Calvinism, YouTube) - This week, Pastor Jesse Martinez interviews Associate Pastor Daniel Weierbach of Open Door Baptist Church in Plattville, AL. Daniel is also the host of C4C Apologetics; a YouTube ministry dedicated to defending the faith and reaching the lost with the gospel.
- Interview: John Hembree (Gospel Clarity, Witnessing, Ministry, Bible College) - Pastor Jesse interviews Pastor John Hembree, a pastor and friend from Northside Church Athens, about his ministry, witnessing opportunities and Bible college experience.
- BibleLine Exclusive | Real Talk #01 - Real talk is a BibleLine exclusive found nowhere else other than our podcast platforms. These podcasts are real, down to earth, and they talk the about the nitty gritty regarding salvation and Christian service. Pastor Jesse Martinez will teach in depth using the scripture to train you how to be a better soulwinner, how to […]
- Studying Tongues and Prophecy | Growing Pains 26 - The tongues gift in the early church was not what we see in the current charismatic circle. Prophesy was the better gift. Why? Let’s find out in a verse by verse study of 1 Corinthians 14:1-25 with Pastor Jesse.
- How can I believe in Jesus if my loved ones have gone to Hell? - Our listener asks, “How can I help someone that you’re trying to witness to understand when they ask ‘What about all my loved ones who weren’t saved, and how can I believe and accept that knowing that they did not?’ I’ve had a couple people say something about this when I try to talk to […]
- Love Never Fails | Growing Pains 25 - Why is love so important in the Christian’s life? Pastor Jesse continues teaching verse-by-verse in 1 Corinthians with a look at why the gift of prophecy is diminished in light of the Word of God being completed.
- Are these things SIGNS that I am NOT SAVED? (Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, Divorce) - Our listener asks, “I believe I have been saved, although I can’t remember the day. However I have always attended churches that preach you have to be really sorry for sin, and turn from all your sin to ‘really’ be saved. I’m so confused now, because I recently got a divorce, and my children don’t […]