Pastor Jesse Martinez - Questions and Answers

  • Q 069 - Question: “In recent weeks, I have become convinced of Eternal Security and that I have everlasting life and am forever secure in the Lord Jesus Christ. However, I am struggling with passages like Matthew 10:33 and 2 Timothy 2:12. Matthew 10:33 “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father […]
  • Q 068 - Question: “I have been struggling with this for a while and I have been trying to find answers. I keep seeing that to avoid Legalism we need to be following God for the right reasons. The bible calls us to work towards being more like Jesus. I know I will never be perfect in this walk […]
  • Q 067 - Question: “2 Peter 2:20-21 KJV – For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. [21] For it had been better for them not to have […]
  • Q 066 - Question: “Was Judas Iscariot saved” Answer: No. He did not believe Jesus was the promised Messiah. His repentance was about the evil he did. “Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders, Saying, I […]
  • Q 065 - Question: “Hello Jesse or Trent! I would like some clarification on Luke 3:9. I know we aren’t saved by works nor do they prove salvation, but this verse seems to imply that those who do t produce good fruit will be cut down and burned. I know there is a clear answer and I know the […]
  • Q 064 - Question: “Hey, I have a question about Hebrews 10 and the ”worse punishment”. This is a really difficult one, and I hope you have time to answer this. I have heard many times that this text refers to a loss of reward at the bema seat, however the text specifically says that the punishment the apostate […]
  • Q 063 - Question: “Jesus, died was buried in rose again for my sins 2000 years ago. When I sin, the Holy Spirit immediately “ wears me out” with conviction. I go to God and tell him I’m sorry, then go on with my day. Should a Christian ask for forgiveness for a sin? A lot of times when […]
  • Q 062 - Question: “You ARE obsessed with calvin and you have a lot to say about macarthur but you also say people WILL NOT be saved if they deny YOUR formula to accept Christ. Isn’t that the same as lordship when you make your formula for salvation and say people WILL NOT be saved if they deny […]
  • Q 061 - Question: “I understand & believe the Bible teaches that salvation is by grace through faith alone, so what exactly does it mean when the Bible instructs us to “deny yourself & take up your cross” and “if you love me, you’ll follow my commandments” and similar verses warning against hypocrisy and lukewarm faith?” Answer: “And when […]
  • Q 060 - Question: “Hey Pastor Jesse, I’ve noticed as of late, I haven’t been feeling as guilty or guilty at all for a certain sin I’ve committed quite a lot throughout my life so far. If I don’t feel guilty for the sin I’ve committed, is that a sign of anything bad? Because I know it’s a […]
  • Q 059 - Question: “Hello I have a question about the parable in Matthew 25:14-30. I do believe that once we are saved we are always saved but I am having trouble understanding this parable. Why would the servant who did nothing with his talent be cast into outer darkness if our salvation is not based on our works […]
  • Q 058 - Question: “Hey Pastor Jesse, if my heart is hardened or my conscience is seared which might result in me falling out of the faith entirely. Would this simply make me a disobedient child of God, or would I completely lose my salvation? Or even worse does it imply I wasn’t saved to begin with?” Answer: Thank […]
  • Q 057 - Question: “I believe in Jesus Christ and I accept Him, but my heart is not at a place where I desire to change my lifestyle (turning from sin). I frankly want to continue to live my life the way I want to and maybe in the future I will change, but that isn’t the case […]
  • Q 056 - Question: “For several years I have tried to put my faith and trust in Christ alone (not by works) and I have never been successful. No apologetics training, no podcast, or book has ever made a difference in my life. My life still looks exactly the same as the day of my profession of faith despite […]
  • Q 055 - Question: “First of all, I hope my email is reaching you in good spirits. I want to first say thank you for your work through Bibleline by spreading the good news of Jesus Christ throughout the world. You have shown me this great joy that is described in 1 John 1:1-4 and because of this, I […]
  • Q 054 - Question: “I am 53 years old and struggle daily with my salvation. When I was 21 I had a radical conversion to Jesus. I could not get enough scripture back then. I was so hungry for the word. I KNEW HIM, AND I KNOW HE KNEW ME. Through the years however I have struggled with […]
  • Q 053 - Question: “Hi I was wondering if you knew of any good online devotionals? I want something I can do consistently in the morning to start my day. Thanks!” Answer:  Personally, I do not know of a good daily devotional. I have some suggestions that might help you. Read through one New Testament book a week. Journal […]
  • Q 052 - Question: “What does Romans 8:26-27 mean? Does it mean the Holy Spirit moves us into speaking tongues, without us trying to do it?” Answer: This passage gives us an insight at how the Holy Spirit intercedes in the prayer life of every believer. Believers are encouraged to pray about everything and to pray constantly. However, […]
  • Q 051 - Question: What dating advice does the Bible give to believers? Answer: Dating is not something that we find expressly discussed in the Bible. There were customs of the day regarding marriage and courtships but those are not common in today’s culture. However, there is very good Biblical advice that is given regarding how the individual […]
  • Q 050 - Question: I wanted to know what the consequences of following a heresy, and a false prophet are. I mean what will happen to believers who follow after a heresy, or a false prophet when they stand before God on Judgment Day? Answer: Your question is relevant for today because there are a plethora of false […]
  • Q 049 - Question: Scriptures say that we are saved by “Faith,” (Rom. 3:28), by “Grace” (Ephesians 2:8) and by “Baptism” ( 1 Peter 3:21) . . . how does all of that work together? Answer:  You have made an excellent observation regarding “faith”, “grace”, and “baptism”. However, it is not clear what you have observed about “baptism”. […]
  • Q 048 - Question: I have a question about II Corinthians 5:3, 9. I tried to keep reading verse 3 and ask and pray for the understanding which is what I usually do then I went on and saw verse 9 and the same, these keep coming back to me. Answer: I’m not sure what your question is […]
  • Q 047 - Question: How do you explain to a person that brings up I Corinthian 15:2? They use that verse to say you have to keep on believing or you have believed in vain and could lose your salvation. Answer: 1 Corinthians 15:2 is a verse that is often misunderstood because it is removed from its context. When […]
  • Q 046 - Question: “What does a person have to believe in order to be saved? That would be great to know because I watched a Grace Evangelical Society video and others and I know salvation is by faith alone, but I’m not sure what the ‘saving facts’ are. God bless.” (Edited for clarity) Answer: Wow, what an excellent […]
  • Q 045 - Question: Hello! First I want to say thank you! Because of your clear gospel message, I came to trust Christ as Savior. I know that I am eternally saved because of what Christ alone did for me! (Death burial and resurrection alone ) Amen! Now unto my question. In 1st Corinthians 3:11-15, Paul speaks of the believer […]
  • Q 044 - Question: “What are all of the crowns and what can we do in this life to receive each crown?” Answer: The Five Crowns (Rewards) • 1. An Imperishable Crown – leading a disciplined life (cf. 1 Corinthians 9:25) a. For context, read 1 Corinthians 9:24-27   • 2. A Crown of Rejoicing – evangelism and discipleship […]
  • Q 043 - Question: “What does the Bible say about movies like the chronicles of Narnia that are supposed to glorify God yet fail to mention Jesus Christ’s name. Is C. S. Lewis a pagan or a true Christian?” Answer: The Bible doesn’t speak directly about movies or media that doesn’t mention Jesus name. C.S. Lewis produced a lot […]
  • Q 042 - Question: “If I sin and then I realize with self judgment and confess my sins to the Lord right after I sinned …do I avoid gods chastening In that very moment and restore fellowship?” Answer: Yes, I do believe the restoration of fellowship is immediate based upon 1 John 1:9. However, I do not think that the […]
  • Q 041 - Question: “I’m starting to doubt OSAS because I come across some scriptures like Revelation 3:5 and II Corinthians 6:1 and I was wondering does the bible teach that you can lose your salvation i am going to study it myself I just want to make sure I’m sharing the right thing but I want to know […]
  • Q 040 - Question: “Have you ever seen a demon? What do you think of the Christian’s that say, “oh this specific person has a demon because of x y or z.” Answer: I personally have not seen a demon but the Bible speaks very clearly about their existence (cf. Mark 5:1-20; Acts 19:13-17). The intent of demonic spirits […]
  • Q 039 - Question: “How is it that truly born again Christians can read the Word of God and have a different understanding of some scriptures ? An example would be pre tribulation and post tribulation rapture etc. Is it different levels of maturity or tradition that believers get hung up on? Also, it seems that the Holy Spirit […]
  • Q 038 - Question: “I’ve found this to be a challenging topic, but I understand that when you have the Holy Spirit, you have it forever; regarding the Christian walk would it make sense that the more you yield to the Spirit, the more you feel the Holy Spirit working in your life? And the more you yield to the flesh, […]
  • Q 037 - Question: “Is there any way for me to forget my past sins? I read Hebrews 9:14 that the blood of Christ purges our conscience. I believe the Word of God without question, but why does my past evil behavior keep popping up in my head?” Answer: Sin always brings bondage. I believe the reason we are plagued […]
  • Q 036 - Question: “Please explain in John chapter eight Jesus told the woman taken in adultery to go and sin no more.” Answer: Jesus’ command to the woman caught in adultery was to sin no more. This is important to understand in its proper context. Jesus did not mean that she must stop her sin in order to be saved. […]
  • Q 035 - Question: “I recently heard a gospel given much like the one we Believe but one thing that was said threw up a red flag. In part of the conversation discussed they said it is not anything you do that can save you into eternal life except by believing that Jesus Christ died for your sins, I […]
  • Q 034 - Question: “Blessings. Ok. I understand everything about salvation without works. I even read the book ” I never knew you” excellent book by the way! But what happens after salvation? How should I live then? If is not by good deeds or good works how can I advance my spiritual growing and maturity? Thanks.” Answer:  Thank […]
  • Q 033 - Question: “I hear a lot of Charismatic Christians say they received dreams from the Lord. My question is, does God still give us dreams todau as His children? I once had a dream before my husband and I had the desire to have children. It was only for a few seconds, but in this dream I […]
  • Q 032 - Question: Hello and thank you for taking our bible questions. I’m new to the bible and don’t have much knowledge so I don’t know where this appears in the bible, but my question is about examining yourself to see if you’re in the faith, I think it was Paul who wrote this, and I was […]
  • Q 031 - Question: Good afternoon brother Jesse, thank you for your sound teachings and I surely do enjoy the podcast which you do on the BibleLine channel on YouTube. I was reaching out today because I also have a question and it has to do with God’s holy hatred spoken of in a few Scriptural passages. One […]
  • Q 030 - Question: “Hi Pastor. We know God is not the author of confusion so why is there so much “confusion” in the church today regarding if a woman can be a pastor or not? Very few churches will tackle this topic because let’s face it they are scared (been to many churches over the past 30 […]
  • Q 029 - Question: “I believe the true gospel and consider myself a Christian. My question is how do I effectively convert someone to the true gospel of Jesus Christ when they believe a false gospel of faith +works? I believe that in order to be saved we have to trust in Christ alone for our sins. I […]
  • Q 028 - Question: “How do I best approach hanging out with friends who are non-believers?” Answer: This is an important topic because every believer faces this issue. There are some people who take the view that believers should not have any relationship with unbelievers. This view leads to legalism and spiritual high mindedness that is similar to the […]
  • Q 027 - Question: “I was teaching that Jesus was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth after his crucifixion. Didn’t He ascend initially to Heaven to release the captives from Paradise and to pour out His blood on the mercy seat in Heaven? Then He was back on earth showing himself alive for forty […]
  • Q 026 - Question: “Please explain the difference between Pre-Trib, Mid-Tri, Post-Trib and A-mill. And, how the verses the last three use are out of context. Also, how the books mainly written to the Jews, are also meant for us. IE. Matthew.” Answer: Your question is excellent, and I would like to answer it in parts. It is always […]
  • Q 025 - Question: “My question is in regards to Bible verses such as Acts 22:16 and Acts 2:38 that seem to suggest a person has to be water baptized to go to heaven. I believe that a person does not have to be water baptized to go to Heaven bc of incidences such as the thief on the […]
  • Q 024 - Question: “I want to be baptized by the Holy Spirit, how do I really fast, what should I do when fasting.” Answer: Your questions are important, but I need to make sure I understand them properly. It appears you may be conflating baptism of the Holy Spirit with fasting. Baptism of the Holy Spirit happens upon […]
  • Q 023 - Question: “How does God chastise His children when they sin or are in disobedience and could you please give examples?” Answer: Thanks for your question! God disciplines His children the same way a loving father would discipline. The Scriptural support for His discipline is found in Hebrews 12:6-11. Here are some take aways from that passage: God […]
  • Q 022 - Question: “I have a question that I can’t get straight. Who is Jesus talking about in Mark 16:17? It sounds like he is talking about us, believers. The thing is, ive never seen a healing. Ive just heard of them. And some claimed they have been healed for 3 days 🙄. Ive seen people place their hands […]
  • Q 021 - Question: “I’ve heard the phrase “age of accountability” used often in some denominations with James 4:17 as the scripture support. I know there is no specific age mentioned in the bible but is there a point in every person’s life where they reach an understanding of good and bad (sin) and now because of that […]
  • Q 020 - Question: “Pastor I know that people in the Old Testament were not saved by faith and works as some people teach. But were they trusting in the future death burial and resurrection of the Messiah? Did they know He had to die for their sins? What specifically were they trusting? Also, since they were not […]
  • Q 019 - Question: “Why do answers to my prayer requests take so long? I am beginning to lose hope because I feel that time is not on my side.” Answer: Thank you for your question. I think it is safe to say that many people feel the same way you feel as they pray to the Lord. I heard […]
  • Q 018 - Question: “I have been married for 29 years! It wasn’t a good marriage @ all! I got diagnosed with M.S. 4 yrs into the Marriage! My husband was an alcoholic from Day 1! I just didn’t know much about alcohol & what happens to people, how they change over the years! It grew worse with him! […]
  • Q 017 - Question: “I totally understand and believe that salvation is completely by the work of Christ (His death burial and resurrection) …but I am a little at odds when I have to explain Mathew Chapter 3 to people who say there it is John is telling the Pharisees & Sadducee’s to change their lives in order to […]
  • Q 016 - Question: “I don’t want to sound dense. So Jesus died for me. Then why do we still die? Then I hear that Jesus paid my penalty. But the penalty is Hell. This is all very confusing to me.” Answer: Charles, you do not sound dense. I can understand the confusion. Thankfully, the Bible is very […]
  • Q 015 - Question: With the rapture seemingly ever close, is there a time where having children would not be a sound idea because we are potentially so close to the rapture? Or is this just bad thinking. Answer: I like to point to Psalms 127:3-5. Children are a blessing from the Lord, regardless of the time in […]
  • Q 014 - Question: My desire to reach and share the amazing, good news gospel of Jesus with the unsaved has been increasing more and more every time I go out. As I encounter more people one of the questions I have been asked is why does God allow children to suffer terrible heinous crimes, and get murdered? […]
  • Q 013 - Question: “How do I navigate the feelings of hurt and betrayal by the ones who taught me everything I know about the Bible and God? Sometimes I feel like the deceptiveness has pushed me away from God.” Answer: Thanks for sending in your question. I’m sorry you have experienced hurt, betrayal, and deception by those who […]
  • Q 012 - Question: “I know a pastor who says he has been to Heaven. When I asked him had he really been to Heaven he said yes. Then I said that the Bible only talks of two people who have seen Heaven, which is Paul and Stephen. He responded that a person can go to Heaven in many […]
  • Q 011 - Question: “How can we fight against being double minded and having doubts?” – Samantha A. Answer: Double mindedness is spoken of in James 1:8 and it is best understood as a person who trusts and obeys God part of the time but not consistently. They are unsteady and weak because they are not fully committed […]
  • Q 010 - Question: “Is there a point biblically when a child of God no longer has to submit to the government or those in secular positions of authority above them if they cross a certain line? Hope this is clear.”  Answer: We have instructions from God in Romans 13:1-7 which clearly command us to “be subject to […]
  • Q 009 - Question: “What is the best scripture to give my cousin when she says the devil believes and trembles? She listens to you a lot but always brings this up to me I have tried to answer her the best I can, but she just keeps saying but the devil also believed.” Answer: It’s difficult to know […]
  • Q 008 - Question: “I am trusting 100 percent in the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone for my salvation. But here is my question. After I believed on Jesus was I supposed to feel something or have an experience? I often doubt my salvation because I didn’t have anything like that and it’s bothered me for […]
  • Q 007 - Question: “I have read that over 50 percent (although the estimates on this vary somewhat) of fertilized eggs never even implant into the womb. In other words, they are “spontaneously aborted” and the woman never even knows that she conceived. Do you believe that all of these tiny zygotes will be in heaven?” Answer: It’s […]
  • Q 006 - Question:  “My husband when we married was a Freewill Baptist, and believes you cannot lose your salvation, but you can freely give it up. you can pluck yourself out of his hand, You can choose not to follow him any more, and if you Deny God, you can never be saved again. I have 3 sons, all […]
  • Q 005 - Question: “Is the gospel that we preach, classed as hyper-grace? People like Dr. Michael Brown who is an Arminian, who believes you can lose it, which I don’t agree with, say that this hyper grace that is being preached is from Satan. Joseph Prince apparently, a word of faith prosperity gospel preacher, teach it too. Can […]
  • Q 004 - Question: “I attend a church that the pastor is convinced you can sin enough to lose your salvation. He claims if you are not changed at the time of being saved you were not saved to begin with. “The renewing of your mind” is when you accept Jesus into your life. This has really given […]
  • Q 003 - Question: “I believe in once saved, always saved. How do you answer a person who says you can lose your salvation if you stop believing? They do not accept John 6:37 and 39. They say if you can be saved by believing and trusting Christ, then you can lose it the same way; by not […]
  • Q 002 - Question: “Galatians 5:20-21 sounds like it is talking about losing your salvation. However, I know we are saved by grace. Please explain this to me.” Answer:  It is important to note the beginning of Galatians chapter five. Verse one says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not […]
  • Q 001 - Question: “If God gives us freewill to accept or reject his salvation, will he also allow us by our freewill renounce it and give it back and become lost once again by our unbelief?”. Answer: The Bible answer to your question is no, God does not allow a person who has believed on the death, burial, […]