Q 018

Question: “I have been married for 29 years! It wasn’t a good marriage @ all! I got diagnosed with M.S. 4 yrs into the Marriage! My husband was an alcoholic from Day 1! I just didn’t know much about alcohol & what happens to people, how they change over the years! It grew worse with him! He eventually stop paying bills & bought more & more! Then the physical abuse started & he was eventually arrested, PFA & short jail X, rehab & anger classes! I feel guilty, in the eyes of God, that I fought back & called him many names too! He says I will pay 4 this & go to Hell! He was abusive! Will I or wont I go to hell?”

Answer: Thank you so much for writing to Bibleline. I believe there is assurance for you in the Scriptures. First off, the Bible is very clear regarding salvation. It is not based on keeping rules or any kind of works from the individual. Salvation occurs when a sinner places their faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the payment of all their sins. Acts 13:38-39 gives direct instructions on how a person who believes on Jesus receives permanent justification before God which could not be attained by any works of the law.

I’m sorry to read about your marriage. Abuse of any kind is dangerous. I strongly advise you or anyone reading this who is the victim of marital abuse to seek proper help and guidance from local authorities. In a marriage, a man is supposed to love his wife as Jesus loves the church.. and gave Himself for it (Ephesians 5:25). The wife is to submit to her husband because he is the head of the house (Ephesians 5:23-24). This submission is similar to how she ought to submit to the Lord as the head of the church. The husband is to do the same as he leads. There will be problems in a marriage that does not pattern itself after the instructions in the Bible. Your case is tragic and shows what can happen when a man is consumed by the flesh.
I do not know all the details about your specific case but I do know this: how you handled it has no bearing on your eternal life. When you believe on Jesus Christ’s finished work then you are eternally secured in Him. Rest assured that any behavior after your salvation does not erase your spiritual birth. You will be disciplined by your Heavenly Father but that discipline is out of a perfect love (Hebrews 12:6) and will never result in you being removed from the family of God (Romans 5:1-2). I pray this helps you.