Q 045

Question: Hello! First I want to say thank you! Because of your clear gospel message, I came to trust Christ as Savior. I know that I am eternally saved because of what Christ alone did for me! (Death burial and resurrection alone ) Amen! Now unto my question. In 1st Corinthians 3:11-15, Paul speaks of the believer earning rewards once they get to heaven or losing rewards they could have had. It lit in fire in me that wants to do something for God (NOT to get saved BUT because I am already). My question is, specifically speaking, what sort of work, according to the scriptures, can the I and anyone else as a born again believer do to earn rewards in heaven? I want to reap up as much rewards as possible! Thanks for taking the time to read my question and have a blessed day!

Answer: Excellent question. I believe that the works in I Corinthians 3 are split into two categories, namely, profitable (gold, silver, and precious stones), and unprofitable (wood, hay, and stubble). The profitable works would be in accordance with Galatians 5:22-23. The Bible doesn’t specifically say that the fruit of the spirit is profitable, but I believe all nine aspects make up a balanced believer. I’ve pasted an excerpt from Dr. Constable’s notes on Galatians 5: 22-23. I believe it will help you make wise and profitable decisions.

Mental or God-ward qualities (Galatians 5:22)

  • Love (Gr. agape, self-sacrificing affection for others)
  • Joy (Gr. chara, deep-seated gladness regardless of circumstances)
  • Peace (Gr. eirene, inner quietness and repose regardless of circumstances)

Interpersonal or other-ward qualities (Galatians 5:22)

  • Patience (Gr. makrothymia, forbearance even under provocation)
  • Kindness (Gr. chrestotes, benevolence and graciousness)
  • Goodness (Gr. agathosyne, constructive action reaching out to others)

General or self-ward qualities (Galatians 5:22-23)

  • Faithfulness (Gr. pistis, reliability, trustworthiness)
  • Gentleness (Gr. praytes, acquiescence to authority and consideration of others)
  • Self-control (Gr. enkrateia, ability to master oneself)

I would conclude with this question. Would God be able to see these characteristics in the behavior of our live and the inwardness of your mind? If yes, then keep relying on Him as you walk in the Spirit. If no, then rely on Him and make the necessary adjustments to be better aligned with the expectations from His Word. This is walking in the Spirit, my friend. It’s obedience out of a love for the Lord.