Question: “Please explain the difference between Pre-Trib, Mid-Tri, Post-Trib and A-mill. And, how the verses the last three use are out of context. Also, how the books mainly written to the Jews, are also meant for us. IE. Matthew.”
Your question is excellent, and I would like to answer it in parts. It is always important to understand terms when studying the Bible. The terms Pretribulationalism, Midtribulationalism, and Posttribulationalism all attempt to Biblically answer the question, “When will the Rapture occur?” Let’s look at the definitions for those words and cover the rest of your question in later posts.
- Pretribulationalism – This is the eschatological view that the Rapture will happen before the Tribulation period on the Earth. The church will meet the Lord in the air after the resurrection of the believers who have died.
- Midtribulationalism – This is the eschatological view that the Rapture will happen at the midpoint of the Tribulation period when the seventh trumpet sounds and before the bowl judgements are poured out upon the Earth.
- Posttribulationalism – This is the eschatological view that the Rapture will occur at the end, or near the end, of the Tribulation. The church will be raptured right before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The church is subject to the wrath found throughout the Tribulation period.
I firmly believe the Bible shows evidence for Pretribulationalism as the correct eschatological view of the Rapture. This is for several reasons.
- The church is not appointed unto wrath – 1 Thessalonians 1:9-10, 5:9
- Believers will not be overtaken by the Day of the Lord – 1 Thessalonians 5:1-9
- The Holy Spirit must depart before the antichrist is revealed – 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8
- Daniel 9:24 is clear that the seventy weeks is not for the church but for Israel.
- Matthew 24, the most used passage to support the mid and post view, has no mention of the church. Jesus is responding to the disciple’s question regarding when the end of the age will occur. I believe Jesus is talking about events that will happen in the Tribulation and concluding at His Second Coming.
Eschatology has been used to propel people into the limelight of special knowledge from God. People have become masters at twisting the Scripture to fit their view of when the Rapture will happen. The strongest evidence for the church not being in the Rapture is found in Daniel 9:24 but those who hold to the Midtribulational or Posttribulational view do not correctly interpret that passage. They either believe that Israel has been replaced by the church (Replacement Theology) or that Daniel meant to include the church in his prophecy. Also, a myriad of Midtribulational and Posttribulational teachers believe that the gospel changes in the Tribulation to a works model like the illustrations in the Old Testament sacrifices (Hyper Dispensationalism). These hyper dispensationalists hold that the terms for salvation evolved from works to grace across different dispensations. The Bible flat out rejects those views of salvation. Hebrews 10:1-4 emphatically shows that the sacrifices of the Old Testament were a shadow of “things to come”, which was Jesus Christ’s shedding of blood on the cross.
When I see the gospel incorrect, I automatically have a red flag on the teacher. I am cautious when I listen to their eschatology because, frankly, they haven’t got the most basic doctrine of salvation correct! This has gotten me in trouble with people because they have allowed teachers in their lives who are not clear on the gospel to teach them eschatology. The bottom line is this; if a teacher is not clear on the gospel, then how are they able to rightly divide the Bible regarding eschatology? I’m not saying it isn’t possible because people can confidently repeat what they have heard. I’ve just seen far more error than truth with those individuals.
I look forward to getting you a response about amillennialism and contextual Bible study soon.