Q 065

Question: “Hello Jesse or Trent! I would like some clarification on Luke 3:9. I know we aren’t saved by works nor do they prove salvation, but this verse seems to imply that those who do t produce good fruit will be cut down and burned. I know there is a clear answer and I know the Bible can’t contradict itself. Paul makes it abundantly clear no works to save us so any clarification would be great!”


Luke 3:9 is addressed the the nation of Israel, who thought that the mere connected to Abraham would be enough for their entrance into the kingdom of Heaven. John the Baptist is beginning his plea for national and individual repentance; if you do not accept Jesus, you will not get in the kingdom, regardless of your ethnic birth right.

The comment of the good and evil tree is seen in light of this fact. Israel, unless you repent (change your mind) about your self righteousness and believe on Jesus, then you will be cut down and cast into the fire (a picture of judgment).

Does this help? It’s a great study. Thank you!