Our Listener asks, “Hi Jesse, I’m so thankful for God that brought BibleLine and your messages into my life. I have a familiar dilemma. I struggle with the assurance of salvation. I have been a believer for over 50 years. When I was young and first believed, I was doing fine. And then later in my teen years, I caved to peer pressure and all kinds of sins. Later in my mid -20s, God lovingly brought people and situations in my life that turned my heart back to Him, and He delivered me from some serious addictions and sins. Even though God has worked miracles in my life, I still struggle with sexual sin off and on. I have also been poisoned by Calvinistic teaching that I have turned from, but that is hard to undo. I believe that salvation is believing who Jesus really is, and trusting totally in His finished work for salvation and nothing else. My struggle with sin and exposure to Calvinism keeps haunting me. And I keep praying for total deliverance from the doubts caused by this. Any encouraging words will help. God Bless, Sam.”