Q # 2051071


Dear Dr. Lindstrom, Can you substantiate your statement that the NIV bible does away with the doctrine of hell? Where? I need proof before I can approach someone with this information. Please be specific. Thanks. Respectfully, Karen Guidry (Ginger Leal’s mom)


The editor of the NIV translation, R. Laird Harris, states, “The NIV translators… came to a decision regarding the meaning of the word [HELL]…the meaning grave fits… The translation grave is the most appropriate one. The terms [hell and grave] are synonymous…no more than darkness, dissolution, and the dust of the tomb…to lie in the dust…decay or perish in the grave.” This quote is from ‘THE NIV: THE MAKING OF A CONTEMPORARY TRANSLATION’ pp.58-71 Use a concordance to see where the changes have been made.