Q # 6930461


I am from Denver. We met 10 days ago. I would like your permission to make copies of the handouts I took so I may hand them out on Thursday nights in Denver County Jail In addition I will soon have a website up for my Santa business. My whole resaon for putting the website up was evengelistic in nature. I have your two handouts on Christmas. Can I put them on my site with you as the author? Do you have any more handouts on Christmas that I may use? Do you have a special invitation for Christmas? Have you ever written on Galatians 2:20? Have you ever tied that into the birth of Christ. When I shared my visit to your church with my wife, she nodded agreement that we have been looking for a church like yours for almost 18 years.


Yes, you may use my articles. Give me a call sometime so I can answer all these questions.